Letty Thorbecke C.M.T.
Thorbecke Massage and Bodywork




Biomagnetismo en Espanol Tambien  

Letty Thorbecke C.M.T.

Pulse Electro Magnetic Field  Devices (PEMF) (: http://www.magnetic-therapy-.com

Protocol to lose weight $150 


This is a well-known therapy that uses ordinary magnets to heal. Although magnets have been used in therapies for a long time, what is special about this method is the use of a pair of magnets to neutralize disease-causing pathogens.

This system is also known as the Biomagnetic Par and it was Dr. Isaac Goiz, a Mexican Physician, who discovered the principles behind this therapy more than 20 years ago. When studying the magnetic therapy and uses of magnets he realized that pathogens have altered magnetic charges, which can be identified in specific points of the body. Kinesiology (is the scientific study of the human movement) is apply in conjunction with the therapy.

Therefore by locating these points, which are pairs, it is possible to reverse magnetism to neutralize the magnetic charge of the pathogen causing a neutralization of the PH.

In consequence, the pathogens immediately die since they cannot survive in a neutral PH environment, cells become healthy and the body starts healing itself.

This therapy is  risk-free and should only be used with precaution in the case of patients with pacemakers and pregnant women. The Biomagnetic Par can be used in conjunction with any other kind of complementary therapy and traditional allopathic  treatments, in fact, biomagnetic therapies advise their patients to continue seeing their conventional doctor on a regular basis, so he can follow the patient's progress.

During the session of Biomagnetic Pair, the therapist places pairs of magnets of medium intensity and opposite charges (positive and negative) on the specific areas of the patient body, and leave them for 20-30 minutes.

The number of necessary sessions to achieve full healing will depend on many factors, like the kind of illness and how chronic it is and the patient's response. However, often the patient already begins to notice positive changes in his health after the first session.

On average, with a sequence of three or four sessions-one per week-one should see a great improvement in the majority of cases. For chronic cases, four, five or more.

List of some illness:

 IMMUNE SYSTEM: Lupus, Dermatocyst, Rheumatoid arthritis, HIV-AIDS, Allergies.

GASTROINTESTINAL: Infections, Gastritis, Acidity, Acid Reflux, Colitis, Irritable Colon, Megacolon, Constipation, Diarrhea, Hemorroids, Diverticula, etc...

Musculoskeletal : Osteoporosis , Bone and Muscle Pain, Lumbar and Back Pain, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis and Artrosis, Ankilosing espondilitis, Gout, Bursitis, Sprains, Necrosis of the head of the femur.

MALFUNCTIONS: Diabetes, Thyroid Gland, Parathyroids, Ovaries, Testicles, Adrenal, etc.

NERVES AND BRAIN: Migraines, Dizziness, Multiple Sclerosis, Sciatic Pain, Herpes, Zoster, Neuralgia, Epilepsy, Convulsions, Encephalitis, Meningitis, Guillain Barre, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's.

RESPIRATORY: Cold, Flu, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Emphysema,, Laryngitis, Pharyngotonsillitis, Sinusitis, Pericarditis, Rhinitis.

HEMATOLOGICAL: Anemia, Purpura, Leukemia.

GENITOURINARY: Infection, Urethra, Prostate, Cystitis.

CARDIOVASCULAR: Arterial Hypertension, Ateroesclerosis, Cardiomegalia, Varicose Vains (Prevention not correction)

RENAL: Calculosis or Lithiasis, Infections, Deficiency.

TUMOR PHENOMENA: Cysts, Abscess, CANCER (depending on how advanced the illness is, in the irreversible damages already provoked and how much the immune system has been deteriorated)

EMOTIONAL: Aggressiveness, Irritability, Schizophrenia, Anxiety, Insomnia, Endogenous depression, Fear,etc.

The  Biomagnetism can address with partial or total success vast majority of diseases , musculoskeletal , nervous , dysfunctional , autoimmune , respiratory, dermatological , hematological , cardiovascular , gastrointestinal, liver , kidney , gynecological , genitourinary and venereal , eye , mouth , tumor , etc.

But most important of biomagnetic Par is its preventive value. But if a patient does biomagnetic checkups  periodically, pathogenic microorganisms have no choice on association in the healthy body. And to do so , the symptoms will not occur , at least it will not virulent , aggressive or degenerative way . And the disease simply do not appear in the vast majority of cases.

 You should see your Doctor for medical care, and you should view Biomagnetism Therapy as an additional therapy to the medical care provided by your Medical Doctor.

Biomagnetism Therapy is not a substitute for Physician consultation, evaluation, or treatment.

Biomagnetism Therapy consists on applying medium intensity magnets between 1000-15000 gauss  in specific areas of the body in order to balance energetically the pH levels, of Alkalinity and Acidity in the body.


POSITIVE (+ red) AND NEGATIVE(-black) is  MEDICINAL WATER. Leave it for 4 to 6 hrs on magnets. Drink 2 oz before breakfast, 2 oz after lunch and 2 oz after dinner.

Negative polarity (-black) is for daily use. Leave it for 4 to 6 hrs. Even you can put juice and milk with the negative side (-). 

  Never use a metal container.  You want to use a container that has a flat bottom without any raised edges.  You want the bottom of the container touching the magnets.  How long you need to leave the water on the magnet will depend on how much water you have. I usually use a gallon milk container and leave it on the magnets for 4-6 hours or longer.  It won’t hurt to leave it there longer, you can even just leave the container on the magnets and refill it as you use the water.  The water will stay magnetized for several days after you take it off the magnet.

There is a long history of the use of magnets to improve the quality and health benefits of water.  Many countries have been using magnetic water for patients with digestive, urinary, and nervous problems, for pain, swelling, and many other ailments.  Whether all of the claims are true or false remains to be tested by science. However, Magnetic Therapy has been accepted by many for the relief of pain.  It is now accepted that each of our cells possess a small magnetic field and that water can be magnetized.  Then, the logical conclusion is that magnetic water has the ability to affect our cells and help our body perform as it was meant.  There is much evidence that bio-magnetic water is beneficial and none that it can be harmful.

Health Benefits
Your body is over 70% water. All biological functions including circulation, digestion, absorption, and excretion depend on water.  Water is required for blood, the lymphatic system, and healthy skin and muscles.  It is well known among health professionals that when you are sick, the pH of your body is more acidic.  Magnetized water, which is more alkaline, raises the pH of your body, which allows the body to get rid of the toxins.  Bio-magnetized water is believed to be energy-building, activating, cleansing, and detoxifying.  People have reported resolving bladder problems, recovering quickly from a stroke, alleviating arthritis pain, reducing blood pressure, and breaking up kidney and gall stones by drinking magnetic water.  Scientific studies have proven that magnetized water has health benefits for animals.  Therefore it seems reasonable that it should also be beneficial for humans.  Reported health benefits of drinking magnetic water include:

•    Magnetic water tastes sweeter and has more clarity.
•    Magnetic water reduces acidity in the body and promotes a more alkaline pH.
•    Magnetic water promotes healing of wounds and burns.
•    Magnetic water has a therapeutic effect of digestive, nervous, and urinary systems.
•    Magnetic water can be beneficial for asthma, fevers, colds, coughs, bronchitis, and sore throats.
•    Magnetic water can be beneficial for menstrual and menopause discomfort.
•    Magnetic water revitalized the body.
•    Magnetic water has a positive effect on the autonomic nervous system.
•    Magnetic water can help regulate the heart function and clear clogged arteries.
•    Magnetic water is beneficial for kidney ailments (removal and prevention of stones), gout, obesity (it improves metabolic activity), and premature aging.
•    Magnetic water helps relieve pain.
•    Magnetic water infuses energy into the body, controls bacteria, and stimulates brain function.
•    Magnetic water can help dissipate toxic deposits in the body’s connective tissue.
•    Magnetic water can regulate blood pressure (high or low).
•    Magnetic water can be used to wash and disinfect external cuts and scrapes.
•    Magnetic water will remove the plaque on your teeth if you use it to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, and drink.
•    Magnetic water will make your hair softer and more manageable while using less shampoo when used to wash your hair.
•    Magnetic water is ionic so it helps reset the charge on cell walls, thus promoting better circulation.

Magnetic water reduces excess of acidity and bile in the digestive system and

normalizes the intestinal movements excreting all accumulated toxic material

Cleans completely the digestive system

Expels sicknesses and brings health and energy to the one who drinks it regularly

Helps regulate blood pressure

Has a calming effect on the nervous system

Helps in cleaning out clogged arteries

Regulates and strengthens and nourishes the circulatory system

Effective in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, colds, cough and all types of fevers

Helps with eye irritation, wounds,  excema   and all kinds of eye infections ( it is recommended that one wash their eyes with negative polarity magnetized water several times a day)

RECIPE:    Non fat yogurt every day magnetized with positive( red) polarity for 30 minutes will give vigor and vitality in case of weakness , fatigue or exhaustion.  It also enhances sexual potency. 

Your pets will enjoy many of the same benefits from bio-magnetic water that you do.  They will drink more water, have more energy, and feel younger and healthier.  A friend was giving her dogs magnetic water.  When she moved, she temporarily had to give them tap water.  After a few days, they began scratching all the time.  When she started them back on bio-magnetic water, the scratching stopped almost completely.

Bio-Magnetized water will help your plants grow stronger, greener, and larger.  In one study seedlings’ germination rates were 68 % with bio-magnetized water, while with non-magnetized water only 8% germinated.  In another study, Texas A&M researchers found that squash weighed 24% more when it was grown with magnetized water vs. non-magnetized water.  Bio-magnetic water is more solvent and has a lower surface tension, so nutrients in the water are absorbed more readily.  Thus you get a healthier plant while using less fertilizer.

Other Fluids & Uses
Almost any fluid can be magnetized.  Using Bio-Magnetic Water will drastically improve the taste of coffee, tea, and foods.  Foods and beverages made using magnetic water will acquire the same healing powers as bio-magnetic water.  Cosmetics, facial and skin products function a lot better when magnetized.  Magnetized milk will give vigor and vitality to the weak and exhausted person.  Magnetized milk has been proven useful for recuperating and enhancing sexual power.  When fruit juices are treated with bio-magnets, they become more refreshing and give more nourishment.  Beer can be magnetized to give better effect.  Magnetized olive oil can be very rewarding in the treatment of gout and rheumatism.
Use bio-magnetic water to make your coffee and after a month or two the inside of your coffee maker will look like new.  The bio-magnetic water will remove the scale build-up in your coffee maker.







Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 805-701-6503
319 N Franklin St , Fort Bragg , CA 95437
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